For photographer Noémie Marguerite, LinkedIn has been most helpful connecting her with the right collaborators. "LinkedIn helps build the business relationships that us creatives may overlook, providing the key information of who is doing what in which company," she explains.
And the platform makes it easy to connect with new creators: "LinkedIn helps me be intentional about who I want to build relationships with," she explains. "If you want to work with photo editors, all you have to do is search them. If there's an advertisement or production you enjoyed, it's a lot easier to find who's responsible. It's also key to note that—even if you're building a relationship with someone that's not directly in your field—you can't underestimate who they know or work with."
As far as making your content stand out on the platform, "LinkedIn is a great way to explain who you are and what you do," she reveals. "It's like a one-sided interview where you decide the question and answer it to your connections. As cliche as it sounds, the best way to stand out is to stay true to yourself. No one else is like you, so emphasize that!"
We were also curious to hear a bit about Noémie's perspective on her career as a photographer. "I love the experience. I love being on set of a shoot and it coming together," she says. "The process is more interesting to me than the end result. I love being a documentarian at events. It feels like I'm capturing a moment in history. I'm so grateful that my job is to photograph and film life. It's such an honor."