
How 'American Psycho' Became the Newest TikTok Trend

A look at the movie currently causing TikTok ruckus

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Okay, by now you’ve seen it. The new split screen TikTok trend where there's a seemingly random man walking around with a very old pair of headphones and stoic looks on his face on the top half, while a video featuring someone’s favorite songs plays on the bottom half. With this trend blowing up, you may have been wondering where the clip of the dude in the headphones comes from. We know from the actual headphones (nobody wears headphones like these anymore) that it has to be from something a little bit older, but where exactly? Are you guys ready? The mysterious clip is from (drumroll please)... the 2000 horror film American Psycho.

And the mystery man is… a young Christian Bale. As is the case with all of our TikTok trends articles, we’re going to take a look at the history of the movie, and a deeper dive into the trend so that way you can get it in the action. Let’s get into it.

American Psycho History

Roughly a year later, the film would make its debut at the Sundance Film Festival on January 31st, 2000, making its way to a nationwide theater debut in the U.S. on April 14th. The film grossed $34 million, and has since developed a cult following along with a presence in meme culture. This leads us to our TikTok trend of the week.

American Psycho TikTok Trend


So as we mentioned earlier, this trend is a very easy one. All you have to do is use Capcut (or another editing tool) to have the video of Bale as Bateman walking through the hallway with his headphones. From there, pick your favorite song that has you giddy all the inside (while looking stoic on the outside) along with a video (it could be the song’s music video or a random video you find on the phone), and voila! Below are some of our favorites.

If you haven’t already gotten in on the action, then make sure you do. And in the meantime, if you haven’t seen American Psycho yet, go stream it! As always, we’ll be back next week with another trend. 

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