
The 28 Most Underrated WWE Wrestlers

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It's a regular occurrence whenever the greatest WWE wrestlers of all time get mentioned. But it's a much rarer affair whenever the conversation is directed to the most underrated WWE wrestlers some fans still look back on with reverence.

Throughout the longstanding legacy of World Wrestling Entertainment, a plentiful offering of uber-talented wrestlers has competed under its wide umbrella. But for one unexplained reason or another, several key members of WWE's ever-changing roster have been overlooked in comparison to the company's bigger stars. We're here to remedy that situation by properly acknowledging those amazing talents that we consider severely underrated.

Hopefully, by the time you finish reading this list, you'll gain a newfound appreciation for each wrestler and do some mandatory viewing of their most impressive in-ring exploits.

RELATED: Our Definitive List of All 7 WWE Eras, Ranked

Underrated WWE Wrestlers

owen hart

1. Ted DiBiase

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Years Active in WWE: 1979, 1987-1993, and 1994-1996

Titles Won in WWE: WWE 24/7 Championship (1 time), Million Dollar Championship (2 times), WWF North American Heavyweight Championship (1 time), WWF Tag Team Championship (3 times) with Irwin R. Schyster, and King of the Ring (1988)

The "Million Dollar Man" of WWE not only had one of the greatest gimmicks in all of wrestling, but he also made sure to back up his braggadocious nature with solid in-ring acumen. Ted DiBiase proved to be the perfect foil for every babyface he caused problems for back in the day and especially did an incredible job in getting Vergil over during their breakup angle. As far as WWE's "Golden Era" bad guys go, DiBiase deserves his place among the very best.

2. Owen Hart


Years Active in WWE: 1988-1989, 1991-1999

Titles Won in WWE: WWF European Championship (1 time), WWF Intercontinental Championship (2 times), WWF Tag Team Championship (4 times) – with Yokozuna (2), The British Bulldog (1), and Jeff Jarrett (1), King of the Ring (1994), and WWF Intercontinental Championship Tournament (1997)

"ENOUGH IS ENOUGH AND IT'S TIME FOR A CHANGE!" The Hart Family's quicker and snappier WWE competitor could always be counted on to have a good match with just about everyone he faced. His "New Generation" run produced great matches with his brother Bret Hart, the 1-2-3 Kid, and Shawn Michaels. During his Attitude Era reign, he continued to prove his worth against the likes of Triple H, Steve Blackman, and Ken Shamrock. Owen would have probably continued having great matches against the newcomers that arrived in 2000 if it wasn't for his untimely death. RIP, Owen! We'll always look back on Owen as one of the most celebrated yet still underrated WWE wrestlers to have ever lived.

3. Rick Martel

Rick Martel bio

Years Active in WWE: 1980-1982, 1986-1985

Titles Won in WWE: WWF Tag Team Championship (3 times) – with Tony Garea (2 times) and Tito Santana (1 time)

"The Model" Rick Martel may not be mentioned as much as his "Golden Era" compadres, which is a crying shame. The Canadian import went all the way with his self-centered fashionista gimmick and could be relied upon to look good in the ring at all times. Before he indulged in pure Arrogance," Martel wowed audiences as a member of the Strike Force tag team alongside Tito Santana and even competed in the early 80s with Tony Garea as his right-hand man. Martel and his patented Boston Crab need tons more respect.

4. Marty Jannetty

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Years Active in WWE: 1988-1994, 1995-1996, 2005-2009

Titles Won in WWE: WWF Intercontinental Championship (1 time) and WWF Tag Team Championship (1 time) – with the 1-2-3 Kid

Being called the "Marty Jannetty" of a tag team upon splitting up and going solo is one of wrestling's oldest disses. Which is a shame really when you think about how far the other half of The Rockers could have gone if he had managed to successfully fight off his demons. Even still, Jannetty did fine work during his many runs within WWE. Besides his fast-paced affairs with his former tag team partner Shawn Michaels, Jannetty went balls to the wall when pitted against a bunch of recognizable talents within the "Golden Era" and "New Generation" periods. He's popped up on multiple occasions to remind people of just how good he still is and why he's referred to as one of the most underrated WWE wrestlers of all time.

5. Bam Bam Bigelow

Bam Bam Bigelow bio

Years Active in WWE: 1987-1988, 1992-1995

Titles Won in WWE: None, sadly...

When the word "intimidating" pops up in the dictionary, a picture of a snarling Bam Bam Bigelow is placed right next to it. And for good reason - Bigelow sparked fear into the hearts of all the young ones who watched him destroy their heroes back in the day. As a babyface, Bam Bam was a real treat thanks to his surprising agility and ability to whip out a cartwheel from time to time. Once he went heel, Bam Bam solidified his status as someone who deserved so much more from WWE when he put on a better than expected match with NFL legend Lawrence Taylor. Bam Bam's one of those slept-on greats that should have gone much farther in WWE.

6. Mr. Perfect

MrPerfect bio

Years Active in WWE: 1981-1983, 1988-1996, 2002

Titles Won in WWE: WWF Intercontinental Championship (2 times)

Curtis Michael Hennig embodied nothing but perfection once he returned to WWE during his second run. His transformation into the one known as Mr. Perfect is the reason why so many wrestling fans remember him so fondly. His gimmick was so easy to hate yet so easy to appreciate in hindsight and his work in the ring captured everyone's attention. Mr. Perfect's over-the-top-selling is just the cherry on top for a wrestler who never bored anyone who watched him work. After watching this man's bouts against Bret Hart, Ric Flair, and Hulk Hogan, you can't help but feel angry at the fact that Mr. Perfect never claimed the WWF Championship back in the day.

7. Rick Rude

rick rude

Years Active in WWE: 1987-1990, 1997

Titles Won in WWE: WWF Intercontinental Championship (1 time)

“What I'd like to have right now, is for all you fat, ugly, inner-city sweat hogs to keep the noise down while I take my robe off and show the ladies what a real sexy man looks like…” After delivering that amazing diatribe, the infinitely handsome "Ravishing" Rick Rude unveiled his body of Adonis to the crowd. The ladies loved it while the guys couldn't help but hate it. Nevertheless, Rick never provided a dull moment inside and outside the ring. He gave the Ultimate Warrior his best matches at the time and had one of the best Intercontinental Championship runs in WWE history. And those air-brushed tights he always used to wear? Simply ravishing.

8. D'Lo Brown

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Years Active in WWE: 1997-2003, 2008-2009

Titles Won in WWE: WWF European Championship (4 times) and WWF Intercontinental Championship (1 time)

The head bobbing, Frog Splash...well, splashing, and widely recognized "real deal" of professional wrestling is none other than D'Lo Brown. As one of the most underrated WWE wrestlers the world has ever seen, D'Lo will always be remembered by diehard wrestling fans as a bonafide gem of the Attitude Era. His part as a member of the Nation of Domination was great, his chest-protector gimmick was hilarious, and his in-ring acumen was top-notch. D'Lo's run with both the Intercontinental and European Championships resulted in slept-on matches with X-Pac, Gangrel, and Val Venis.

9. Shelton Benjamin

shelton benjamin

Years Active in WWE: 2000-2010, 2017-2023

Titles Won in WWE: WWE 24/7 Championship (3 times), WWE United States Championship (1 time), WWE Intercontinental Championship (3 times), and WWE (Raw) Tag Team Championship (3 times) – with Charlie Haas (2) and Cedric Alexander (1)

After getting split up from his tag team partner Charlie Hass, Shelton Benjamin arrived on Raw with little fanfare. But after he pulled away with a shocking win over Triple H in 2004, Shelton's mega push was off to the races. The former amateur wrestler showcased immense physical ability as he spent the majority of his time on Raw as a singles star who blew everyone's minds with his high-flying exploits and memorable bouts with Shawn Michaels, John Morrison, Rob Van Dam, etc. Even when he dyed his hair blond and became the "Gold Standard," Shelton still went out and hand bangers on a nightly basis. His charisma may have been in question by the powers that be, but he's still a top-tier athlete who should have claimed the WWE Championship at some point early on in his career.

10. William Regal


Years Active in WWE: 1998-1999, 2000-2022

Titles Won in WWE: WWF Hardcore Championship (5 times), WWF/E European Championship (4 times), WWF/E Intercontinental Championship (2 times), World Tag Team Championship (4 times) – with Lance Storm (2), Eugene (1), and Tajiri (1), and King of the Ring (2008)

One of the best English professional wrestlers of all time just so happens to be one of those underrated WWE wrestlers who entertained in just about every role he was given. As an endearing babyface and a slimy heel, William Regal commandeered the ring at all times and made everyone take notice of his rugged in-ring style. Regal stood out due to his hilarious facial expressions that came through wonderfully during his matches and General Manager days. And whenever the bell rang, Regal was always in fine form as he produced bangers with Edge, Chris Jericho, and Rob Van Dam.

11. Carlito

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Years Active in WWE: 2003-2010, 2023-Present

Titles Won in WWE: WWE United States Championship (1 time), WWE Intercontinental Championship (1 time), WWE Tag Team Championship (1 time) – with Primo, and World Tag Team Championship (1 time) – with Primo

He spits in the face of people who want to be cool. While his Razor Ramon-esque Carlito Caribbean Cool SmackDown days were decent enough, the shortening of his name and switch to Raw truly turned him into a weekly highlight. The second-generation superstar known as Carlito put in his best work as Intercontinental Champion as he produced bangers with Jeff Hardy, Shelton Benjamin, and John Morrison. Carlito's high-flying theatrics and apple-spitting disrespect cement his place as one of WWE's best high flyers and the type of guy that would have made for a great top champion on either brand. Seeing how swole he is these days, it'd be great to see him make a play for a steady WWE return or an AEW debut.

12. Tajiri

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Years Active in WWE: 2001-2008

Titles Won in WWE: WCW United States Championship (1 time), WWF Light Heavyweight Championship (1 time), WCW/WWF/WWE Cruiserweight Championship (3 times), WWE Tag Team Championship (1 time) – with Eddie Guerrero, and World Tag Team Championship (1 time) – with William Regal

Not only is Tajiri one of the most underrated WWE wrestlers, but he's also one of its funniest and most highly regarded Japanese talents. After gaining the adoration of the hardcore ECW faithful, Tajiri made his way to WWE and did the same with the WWE fanbase. His many highlights include his highly revered battles with the likes of X-Pac, Billy Kidman, Hurricane Helms, and so much more. His partnerships alongside William Regal and Eddie Guerrero exposed his lovable personality and ability to get over with the audience even with a language barrier in place. It was always a pleasure the watch the great Tajiri douse his opponents in green mist, lock them in the Tarantula, and clock them with his Backspring Elbow.

13. Paul London

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Years Active in WWE: 2003-2008

Titles Won in WWE: World Tag Team Championship (1 time) – with Brian Kendrick, WWE Tag Team Championship (2 times) – with Billy Kidman (1) and Brian Kendrick (1), and WWE Cruiserweight Championship (1 time)

Paul London can pretty much be referred to as "Mr. Velocity." And that's because he always stood out as the best performer on Smackdown's spinoff show. His Cruiserweight Championship matches were always worth tuning into as Paul gelled well with all the equally talented competitors he did battle with. As a tag team wrestler, he continued to amaze as his high-flying repertoire matched up best with Billy Kidman and Brian Kendrick. Paul's Dropsault and Shooting Star Press are poetry in motion that fans miss seeing on WWE TV.

14. Lance Storm

Lance Storm bio

Years Active in WWE: 2001-2005

Titles Won in WWE: WWF Intercontinental Championship (1 time) and WWE/World Tag Team Championship (4 times) – with Christian (1), William Regal (2), and Chief Morley (1)

"If I could be serious for a moment..." Lance Storm never came to play games 'cause he was all business as soon as his entrance music kicked in. Upon his arrival in WWE back in 2001, the Canadian superstar impressed due to his smoothness and crispness in the ring. Lance's superkick is one of the very best and it always looked great whenever it landed clean on the likes of Albert, Edge, and Matt Hardy. During the rest of his WWE tenure, he always stuck out as a reliable in-ring gem who could be counted on to match up well with just about everyone. Never mind what "Stone Cold" Steve Austin said about him during that cruel promo segment - Storm is far from boring.

15. Jazz

Jazz bio

Years Active in WWE: 2001-2004

Titles Won in WWE: WWF/E Women's Championship (2 times)

It's criminal that Jazz only captured the WWF/E Women's Championship on only two separate occasions! She sticks out as one of those past WWE female talents that Trish Stratus into submission on countless occasions and made her a much better pro wrestler in the process. Jazz's rough-and-tumble style presented her as one of the most legit WWE wrestlers on the roster during her run - she brought an air of believability to everything she did as she brutalized every lady who tried to test her. Shout out to Jazz for her unprecedented work during her WWE run - she'll always stand out as another one of the most underrated WWE wrestlers we've ever had the pleasure of watching.

16. Molly Holly

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Years Active in WWE: 2000-2005

Titles Won in WWE: WWE Women's Championship (2 times) and WWF Hardcore Championship (1 time)

The former "Miss Madness" of WCW Randy Savage fame arrived in the WWE as one of the most impressive members of the Holly family. Molly Holly deserves way more credit in this day and age - she stood as a highly impressive wrestler who dropped everyone's jaws at the sight of her Molly-Go-Round finisher. And once she went heel, she embodied that easily hateable "Karen" energy that made her the perfect foil for Trish Stratus and Victoria. Molly's one of those unheralded members of WWE's former Divas roster.

17. Victoria

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Years Active in WWE: 2000-2009

Titles Won in WWE: WWE Women's Championship (2 times)

She STILL ain't the lady to mess with. Victoria was always a regular highlight of early 2000s Divas wrestling. Her character was that of a woman with a broken psyche who employed an especially brutal moveset to ground her opponents into dust (that Widow's Peak finisher of hers still gives us chills). Her Hardcore Match with Trish Stratus at the 2002 Survivor Series doesn't get talked about enough, which is a crime. The rest of Victoria's WWE tenure saw her continually prove herself to be a valuable asset that could be counted on to entertain at all times.

18. Dean Malenko

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Years Active in WWE: 2000-2001

Titles Won in WWE: WWF Light Heavyweight Championship (2 times)

Dean Malenko isn't just one of the most underrated WWE wrestlers to have ever strapped on a pair of boots - he just might be one of the most slept-on in-ring technicians of all time. His cold and calculating demeanor always put everyone on notice (his James Bond-esque WWE theme didn't do him any favors, however). But during his short tenure as a WWE competitor, Dean took the reigns of the WWF Light Heavyweight division and proved to be just as good as he was back in WCW. Seek out his Backlash 2000 match with Scotty 2 Hotty and even one of his random bouts with Taka Michinoku & X-Pac for proof of that statement.

19. Hurricane Helms

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Years Active in WWE: 2001-2010

Titles Won in WWE: WWE Cruiserweight Championship (2 times), WWF European Championship (1 time), WWF Hardcore Championship (1 time), and World Tag Team Championship (2 times) – with Kane (1) and Rosey (1)

The Alliance storyline may have been a massive disappointment, but it gave a huge opportunity to some super-talented wrestlers who existed long after that feud dissipated. One of those individuals ended up being "Sugar" Shane Helms, who adopted a Green Lantern-like character known as Hurricane Helms. His early WWE work alongside Lance Storm was solid enough, but it's his Cruiserweight division work on SmackDown that deserves the most praise. Helms' matches with Jamie Noble and Tajiri will forever be GOATED! Helms' short feud with The Rock, his "I CAN CHOKESLAM EVERYBODY!" gimmick was hilarious, and his heroic theme song makes him somebody we always loved watching.

20. Finlay

Finlay bio

Years Active in WWE: 2005-2011

Titles Won in WWE: WWE United States Championship (1 time) and Bragging Rights Trophy (2009) – with Team SmackDown (Chris Jericho, Kane, R-Truth, Matt Hardy, David Hart Smith, and Tyson Kidd)

His name is Finlay and he loves to fight. And you just know we always loved watching him engage in that violent act. Finlay's return to the squared circle in 2005 was marked by some of the hardest-hitting matches in SmackDown history as he got into it with the likes of Bobby Lashley, Rey Mysterio, and Matt Hardy. Even with Hornswoggle by his side, everyone still feared Finlay and took him as a serious threat at all times. Be sure to watch his Belfast Brawl from WrestleMania XXIV to see Finlay in his most "fit" form. Just like William Regal, this brute must be crowned as one of the most underrated WWE wrestlers who's worthy of respect.

21. Scotty 2 Hotty

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Years Active in WWE: 1997-2007

Titles Won in WWE: WWF Light Heavyweight Championship (1 time), WWF Tag Team Championship (1 time) – with Grand Master Sexay, and WWE Tag Team Championship (1 time) – with Rikishi

A highly underrated WWE wrestler who had one of the silliest yet most entertaining finishers of the Attitude Era just has to be this celebrated member of Too Cool. Scotty 2 Hotty did great things with Grandmaster Sexay and Rikishi - fans still reenact their post-match dance number to perfection! In the ring, Scotty entertained due to his light heavyweight style and hilarious finishing move "The Worm." On WWE's old B-Shows, Scotty could regularly be seen working solid bouts with the likes of equally slept-on wrestlers of his ilk. Scotty seemingly never ages since he still looks the same as he did back in the day, so you can watch him relive all that Too Cool magic on the indie scene.

22. Hercules


Years Active in WWE: 1985-1992

Titles Won in WWE: None, sadly...

The WWF's "Golden Era" was a smorgasbord of towering brutes that looked like real-life superheroes (and supervillains, of course). One of the more unsung power men of that period was Hercules Hernandez, who could always be seen with a steel chain wrapped around his massive frame. Not only did he look impressive, but he also managed to be one of the more solid in-ring bodybuilders in Vince McMahon's wrestling empire. As a singles star, Hercules caught everyone's eye as he battled Hulk Hogan, the Ultimate Warrior, and Haku. Old-school wrestling heads usually bring up his name when it comes to his underrated tag team run with Paul Roma as Power & Glory (their finisher is still one of the very best!).

23. Billy Kidman

Billy Kidman bio

Years Active in WWE: 2001-2005

Titles Won in WWE: WCW/WWF/E Cruiserweight Championship (4 times) and WWE Tag Team Championship (1 time) – with Paul London

The original master of the Shooting Star Press was one of WCW's biggest highlights in the Cruiserweight division. And upon his arrival in the WWF during the Invasion storyline, he still did his best to keep everyone's attention. Billy Kidman's lowkey WWF/E run sticks out due to his strong matches against X-Pac, Tajiri, and Matt Hardy. His tag team runs with Rey Mysterio and Paul London are also proof of his quality WWF/E tenure. Remember, folks - never try to powerbomb Billy Kidman.

24. Tito Santana

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Years Active in WWE: 1979-1980, 1983-1993

Titles Won in WWE: WWF Intercontinental Heavyweight Championship (2 times), WWF Tag Team Championship (2 times) – with Ivan Putski (1) and Rick Martel (1), and King of the Ring (1989)

"ARRIBA!" Utter that catchphrase at a wrestling convention and most of the older fans in your vicinity will raise their first in honor of the great Tito Santana. As the first man to ever wrestle and win at a WrestleMania, Tito stuck out as a fan favorite thanks to his agile maneuvers and underdog demeanor. He's done great work with so many major names, such as Shawn Michaels, Don Muraco, and Greg "The Hammer" Valentine. And with Rick Martel by his side, Tito did equally memorable work as a member of Strike Force. As one of the most underrated WWE wrestlers of all time, Tito deserves even more adoration for his lengthy wrestling run.

25. Goldust

Goldust bio

Years Active in WWE: 1990-1991, 1995-1999, 2001-2003, 2005-2006, 2008-2010, 2013-2019

Titles Won in WWE: WWF Hardcore Championship (9 times), WWF Intercontinental Championship (3 times), WWE Tag Team Championship (2 times) – with Cody Rhodes/Stardust, and World Tag Team Championship (1 time) – with Booker T

Dustin Rhodes shocked the world when he showed up during his second WWF run as the androgynous character known as Goldust. Dustin played the character to perfection and provided a super provocative element to the WWF product at the time that added a bit of pizzaz to it all. Besides his unforgettable gimmick, Goldust proved to be a great wrestler and the sort of personality that could provide tons of hilarity every now & then. His Intercontinental title reigns and his alliance with Booker T. are definite career highlights. Goldust could it all and then some. Remember the name...Goldust.

26. Essa Rios

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Years Active in WWE: 1997-2001

Titles Won in WWE: WWF Light Heavyweight Championship (1 time)

Ask any avid Attitude Era fan and they'll bring up a bunch of well-known names. If those same fans happened to watch Sunday Night Heat, Jakked, and Metal, then they probably remember the name Essa Rios as well. And that's due to the jaw-dropping high-flying excellence he always put on display. Essa held down the Light Heavyweight division during his time in the WWF as he faced Jeff Hardy, Funaki, and Taka Michinoku. Essa even competed against a young Samoa Joe and Kurt Angle while he held the WWF Championship. If you ever want to witness one of the best Moonsault's of all time, you can look to one of the most underrated WWE wrestlers and Lucha Libre greats in Essa Rios.

27. Taka Michinoku


Years Active in WWE: 1997-2001

Titles Won in WWE: WWF Light Heavyweight Championship (1 time)

WWE clearly took inspiration from WCW's Cruiserweight wrestling craze, which is why it birthed its very own Light Heavyweight division in response. And the shining star of that division was none other than the Japanese gem known as Taka Michinoku. Taka's high-flying feats and devastating Michinoku Driver provided the early years of the Attitude Era with five-star worthy wrestling feats, which were admittedly rare at the time. You can check out Taka's WrestleMania XIV match with Aguila to see just how good he was back in the day. And of course, his Kaientai run alongside Funaki was one of the funniest elements of WWF's Attitude Era tag team division. Is Taka one of the most underrated WWE wrestlers? INDEED!

28. Sean O'Haire

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Years Active in WWE: 2001-2004

Titles Won in WWE: None, sadly...

Man, what could have been! Sean O'Haire is one of those cases of someone that should have main evented a WrestleMania while he was still alive. Not only did he look great from a physical level, but he also came across as better than expected in the ring due to his amalgamation of power-based offense and top-rope maneuvers. Sean's "Devil's Advocate" gimmick should have gone a lot further than it did, but we enjoyed it while it lasted. If you want to witness this behemoth's greatness in action, check out his bout alongside Chuck Palumbo vs. the APA (Bradshaw and Faarooq) and watch clips of him pulling off his Widow Maker finisher on everyone.

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