Some days, scrolling past pictures of bikini-clad models and happy couples on Instagram can bring us down a path of self-loathing, doing more harm than good to our mental health. The good news is that there’s also an array of writers, artists, entrepreneurs and wellness experts to guide us back toward practicing gratitude and positivity. Whether you need an extra push to start your dream business or just an affirmation to start your day, these Instagrammers are here to provide extra support and motivation. Here’s who to follow for some much-needed inspiration.
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11 Motivational Instagrammers Everyone Should Follow to Keep Things in Perspective
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1. Jay Shetty
A former monk, Shetty aims to “make wisdom go viral.”And go viral it has. Shetty’s videos have amassed more than 4.5 billion views across various platforms, and he has more than 30 million followers on social media. His advice on how to promote personal growth and purpose is essential for anyone working to reach their goals.
2. Yung Pueblo
Diego Perez, aka Yung Pueblo, is a writer who offers daily prose that encourages deep reflection, healing and self-love. His philosophy on self-love is derived from looking inward, because knowing oneself frees us from self-limiting beliefs and brings us closer to happiness. Perusing his truisms, you can’t help but feel “happy and free,” as he writes at the end of each Instagram post. Or at least well on your way there.
3. We’re Not Really Strangers
Upon first glance, this account appears to feature introspective messages inscribed in public spaces. But it’s really so much more than that. In an age of increased connectivity, We’re Not Really Strangers is a visual project that seeks to show us that we have more in common than we think. And it’s this acknowledgment that fosters openness and meaningful connections between “strangers.” The project has been so successful, in fact, that creator Koreen Odineyrecently invented a card game that poses deep questions to players in order to strengthen existing relationships and create new ones.
4. Morgan Harper Nichols
Christian musician, writer and artist Morgan Harper Nichols creates handwritten messages and pastel paintings with a particular focus: her followers. Nichols asks followers to send her their stories, a topic they’d like her to write about or artwork they’d like her to make. She randomly selects submissions every week and then creates a piece just for them. The resulting work is a stunning display of encouragement, reassurance and positivity. And as many of her followers will tell you, she has a knack for telling you exactly what you need to hear when you need to hear it.
5. Cleo Wade
By now you’ve probably seen Wade’s positive affirmations etched in black ink on white paper somewhere on Instagram. Or maybe you’ve seen them in ads for Gucci and Nike and on March For Our Lives posters. One look at her feed and it’s clear why her words resonate strongly with so many. The poet’s hand writes from the heart, and her mantras are full of compassion and light to create greater space for inner peace.
6. Female Collective
At the Female Collective, your daily dose of feminism and self-love comes in the form of colorful blocks. Taken together, the platform is a celebration of women’s experiences and the issues that matter most. Whether you need some encouragement to invest more in yourself or draw boundaries, the Female Collective provides concise reminders to guide you down a path of empowerment and healing.
7. Karamo Brown
If you’ve ever watched Queer Eye, you know that Karamo Brown has a talent for encouraging anyone who has experienced intense struggle or loss. Well, turns out his Instagram is an excellent extension of his work on the show. The mental health advocate devotes his platform to breaking down barriers to happiness and success. His posts often mix motivational messages with funny memes—a recipe for success on Instagram.
8. Brené Brown
In 2010, Dr. Brené Brown gave a TED Talk on the power of vulnerability, which went viral. Nine years later, she continues to inspire others with her groundbreaking research on courage, shame and empathy. The words she shares on Instagram are a constant source of encouragement for those looking to embrace their vulnerabilities to better connect with others and lead more fulfilling lives.
9. Subliming
Tessa Forrest, the brains behind subliming.jpg, dresses up inspirational quotes from famous poets, writers and authors in fun typefaces and bold colors. The result is an artfully curated feed of uplifting prose. We guarantee you’ll want to screenshot her posts and use them as your phone background or print them out and hang them around your bedroom.
10. Alexandra Elle
Best-selling author and wellness consultant Alexandra Elle is all about showing that self-care requires practice and soul work. By sharing her personal self-love journey, she shows followers how she’s working on bringing more peace and positivity into her daily routine. She poses questions, mantras and challenges for followers so they can adopt these same changes in their own lives, creating a community of support and positivity.
11. Deepak Chopra
One of the biggest spiritual teachers in the world, Deepak Chopra brings his pioneering wellness and meditation practice to 1.4 million followers through brief discussions on topics like consciousness, reality and manifestation.
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