
How to Watch the 'Jurassic Park' Movies in Order

In celebration of the 30th anniversary

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Universal Pictures

On this day thirty years ago, Steven Spielberg dropped a classic film that continues to have an impact in entertainment to this day—Jurassic Park. What followed in the aftermath of the first installment, which grossed almost a billion at the box office (the highest-grossing movie ever at the time of its release), was winning over twenty major awards including three Academy Awards, an eventual induction into the United States National Film Registry by the Library of Congress for, of course, being culturally significant, and two immediate sequels released in 1997 and 2001 respectively. And if you ever want to revisit the films, you'll need a guide to the Jurassic Park movies in order to dive in.

In 2015, the Jurassic Park series returned for another trilogy, which has since gone on to add to its overall box office numbers. 2022's Jurassic World Dominion completed the second trilogy, and while it's probably too soon for another round of movies (it was a fourteen year wait between Jurassic Park III and Jurassic World), it's never to late to watch for the first time if you haven't seen it already, or re-watch for the millionth if you're a huge fan.

Below is a look at all of the Jurassic Park films in chronological order, along with guide on how to watch them.

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How Many Jurassic Park Movies Are There?

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Jurassic World 2015 / Universal

To date, there are six Jurassic Park movies were are broken down into two trilogies—three in the original Jurassic Park series, and three in the Jurassic World series. You can check out the movies in chronological order below.

The Jurassic Park Movies in Order:

Without further ado, this a list of the Jurassic Park movies in order of how they were released.

1. Jurassic Park (1993)

2. The Lost World: Jurassic Park (1997)

3. Jurassic Park III (2001)

4. Jurassic World (2015)

5. Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom (2018)

6. Jurassic World Dominion (2022)

Happy 30th anniversary to one of the all-time great film franchises. We're sure the end of the road, but until new projects are announced, we'll keep enjoying these classics.

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