I haven’t perfected many things in life, but I do think I’ve come damn close to a few. These things include, but are not limited to, reaching things off the top shelf, making people laugh in the most uncomfortable of situations and presenting myself authentically to the outside world—sometimes to my detriment. Now understand, while I am no expert, I think my life may speak for itself on this one. So, let’s talk about authentic branding.
First and foremost, I want you to think about these questions:
- How do you want to be remembered when you die?
- What is your purpose?
- What are you passionate about?
These questions may seem dramatic in the context of talking about your brand, but just go with me.
In a world where so many people copy or try their hardest to fit in, why would you want to be yourself? Especially when it so often seems as though there is no winning in that. I’d love to tell you that I’ve been this hell-raiser my whole life, and in some ways, I have, but that’d be a lie. At some point, we all yearn to blend in, to be alike. But, being 6’5” at thirteen left little room for that in my life, and time—plus experience—taught me that the best Imani was the real one. I’m sure that’s true for you too, even if you don’t know it yet.