Welcome to the latest edition of “The Past Week in Crypto News," a weekly recap of companies, institutions, organizations and individuals who are beginning to adopt crypto as a payment/work platform. With the crypto industry becoming more and more dynamic, this weekly report is meant to help you stay in the loop. The last few days saw crypto becoming more mainstream, implemented by some of the world’s most prominent organizations across different industries.
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The Past Week in Crypto News (October 13th to 20th): BTC All Time High and More

Michael Caloca / ONE37pm
1. Bitcoin reaches all-time high on the back of first US-based BTC ETF
2. Facebook is slowly rolling out its Crypto-wallet ‘Novi’ for Guatemala-USA transactions, which will use Ethereum-based USDP and Coinbase
3. Coinbase reaches sponsorship deals with NBA, WNBA, G-League, NBA 2K League and USA Basketball
4. Facebook reportedly planning to change its name as part of a re-brand focusing on the metaverse
5. Scientific laboratories are increasingly planning to release NFTs as a form of funding
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