
The Past Week in Crypto Adoption: September 8th to 15th

Countries adopting crypto, NFT news and more.

VeeFriends / Swarm Markets

Welcome to the third edition of “The Past Week in Crypto Adoption," a weekly recap of companies, institutions, organizations and individuals who are beginning tovee f adopt crypto as a payment/work platform. With the crypto industry becoming more and more dynamic, this weekly report is meant to help you stay in the loop. The last few days saw crypto becoming increasingly mainstream, being implemented by some of the world’s most prominent organizations across different industries.

1. Ukraine legalizes Bitcoin

2. Panama prepares bill to make Bitcoin legal tender

3. Salvador’s legalization of Bitcoin as a tender could cost Western Union $400 Million

4. GaryVee will auction his NFT collection’s drawings at Christie’s

5. The UK Post Office adds the option to buy Bitcoin through their app

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