Banking is a massive part of our daily lives. This year has seen a rising interest in support of Black-Owned businesses, and you may be wondering how best to showcase your support as well. While you can purchase from a Black-Owned business, you can consider banking with a company that is Black-Owned as well. Here is a list of 15 different Black-Owned banks that you can sign up with.
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15 Black-Owned Banks That You Can Show Support For
Show some love for Black-Owned Businesses

1. Alamerica Bank
2. OneUnited Bank

While OneUnited Bank only has three branch locations in California, Massachusetts, and Florida, there are over 30,000 ATM locations across the United States and the ability to bank entirely online. OneUnited Bank is owned and operated by Chairman & Chief Executive Officer Kevin Cohee and President & Chief Operating Officer Teri Williams. The majority of the company’s board of directors and management are also African-American. OneUnited prides itself on being a bank that’s run solely on technology, making it the first Black-Owned internet bank and the largest Black-Owned bank in the country.
3. Broadway Federal Bank/City First

Originally founded in 1946 and based in Los Angeles, The bank went through many different iterations before eventually being managed by President & Chief Operating officer Wayne-Kent A. Bradshaw. Broadway Federal eventually grew to become the second-largest Black-Owned bank in the United States and remained the only Black-Owned bank in California for many years. In August 2020, Broadway Federal announced a merger with City First Bank to create the largest Black-Owned bank in the U.S.
4. Industrial Bank
5. FAMU Credit Union

While this is a credit union, FAMU Credit has been one of the most prominent African-American owned financial institutions in Tallahassee. The union was established in May 1935, after the persuasive efforts of Dr. J.R.E. Lee encouraged six different individuals to deposit $50 for a federal credit union. For nearly fifty years, the credit union was located on the FAMU campus. It was eventually moved to its present location after spending nearly thirty years on the street directly across from the university. For many years, the credit union has served as an essential place for banking functions for many college students and adults across Tallahassee and became the first statewide administrator for the Black Business Loan Program in 2018.
6. Carver State Bank
7. GN Bank
8. First Independence Bank
9. Citizens Trust Bank

Whether you are looking to buy a home, manage your money, or handle your business’s financial elements, Citizens Trust Bank has proven effective in helping customers bank for nearly a century. Founded by businessman Heman Perry, Citizens Trust’s objective is to ‘be a business that customers can bank on.’ The bank has various branches and ATMs across Alabama and Georgia, and provides online support.
10. Commonwealth National Bank
11. Columbia Savings & Loan

Serving Milwaukee’s inner city since 1924, Columbia Savings & Loan prides itself on being a place dedicated to ‘the task of ensuring a better quality of life for the inner city citizens of Milwaukee, and in particular, the growing minority population. Columbia Savings & Loan offers mortgages, church loans, and CD/IRAS, in addition to the standard banking services.
12. Tri-State Bank of Memphis
13. United Bank of Philadelphia
14. Mechanic and Farmers Banks

Considered to be one of the most influential Black-Owned businesses in the state of North Carolina, Mechanic and Farmers Bank has been in business since 1907. For over a century, the bank has been a place North Carolina residents can go to for all banking needs. M&F bank offers a wide assortment of banking services and has consistently received high ratings from the FDIC.
15. The Harbor Bank of Maryland
While this list features 15 Black-Owned banks, it should be noted that there are approximately only 20 Black-Owned banks in America (which is down from the 48 that were reported in 2001). Giving your support to these banks not only helps them stay in business, but it also continues to financially help the African-American community as a whole. When combined with credit unions, there are a total of 42 African-American owned financial institutions. If you are considering starting a bank account or switching banks, it would definitely be a great chance to showcase your support for these businesses.