Studio Ghibli is a Japanese animation studio that is based in Tokyo, Japan, known for its unique filmmaking and artistry. It has existed for decades, founded on June 15, 1985, by Miyazaki Hayao and Takahata Isao and producer Suzuki Toshio. It has since been getting a lot of attention from younger generations via TikTok because it brings about a comforting aesthetic to the point where people try to emulate it in real life. You’ll find videos of creators making bacon and eggs from Howl’s Moving Castle or ramen from Ponyo. So how many Studio Ghibli movies are there, you ask? 23 films, to be exact (with a new one called The Boy and the Heron coming to US theaters in 2023!) - each is unique and filled with different styles, fairy tales, and yummy recipes. The films leave an unforgettable mark on their viewers which makes them difficult to rank. Nonetheless, we gave it our best shot. Here are the 23 best Studio Ghibli movies ranked from worst to best.
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