The anime genre is known for featuring some of the best stories and the best action scenes within the entertainment medium. The fantastical nature of it all and its striking visuals make way for hyperkinetic clashes that can't be easily emulated on a live-action show. As animating technology continually advances, those aforementioned battles look all the cleaner and are filled with even more intense.
But the anime action greats of the past still hold weight as they still pack a punch. A great fight in an anime is exhilarating and always gets the blood pumping. As such, this list will focus on the fighting aspect of 10 of the very best anime, which means factors such as plot and characters aren't deciding factors here. So below is my list of the top 10 fighting anime that will have you hype enough to climb Mt. Everest and form a "Spirit Ball" with ease.
Disclaimer: Making a top-tier list is always controversial as everyone will have their own opinions and bias toward a particular pick. As such, I want to note that these are my picks for the top 10 fighting anime and I want them to serve as a backbone for initiating conversation.