Although action and adventure shonen tends to get a lot of recognition, part of what makes anime as a medium so exceptional is its versatility and how many genres fall underneath its umbrella. Anime, ultimately, is just animated television/film from Japan; so many things can exist within the term. As someone who has watched a lot of action and adventure-oriented anime, it was a nice change of pace to dive into some of the more comedic offerings available right now.
For the purposes of this article, I'll primarily focus on television shows, but I've got to include a few movies in there as well. Additionally, some of the most famous shonen anime of all time are exceptionally funny, despite not being formally defined as "comedy anime." Nonetheless, they make me—and many fans—laugh. That sounds like comedy to me, so I'll also be including a few iconic shows that could fall under numerous genres. After all, what is a comedy anime? A show that makes you laugh.