
From Blockchain To Basketball: The Krause House

How the Krause House is bringing Web3 and the basketball community together

(Photo by Andy Lyons/Getty Images for BIG3)

There are certain moments in our collective history as a humankind that mark a transitionary period. In the Late 1700’s, the Industrial Revolution completely changed almost everything within society. How we interacted, made money, and went to work were completely shifted because of one new industry. 

We are seeing a striking resemblance between that era of change to the ongoing transition to WEB3 today. As more and more people are on-boarded to the opportunities and accessibility that WEB3 has to offer, the industry will only continue to grow. At the forefront of this cosmic shift in human history are the founders of Krause House, a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) with one simple goal, to buy an NBA team. This is the story of the Krause House.

What Is a DAO?

Krause House’s Beginnings

Buying Into The BIG3

What’s Next?

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