Welcome to the latest edition of “The Past Week in Crypto", a weekly recap of companies, institutions, organizations, and individuals who are beginning to adopt crypto as a payment/work platform. With the crypto industry becoming more and more dynamic, this weekly report is meant to help you stay in the loop. The last few days saw crypto becoming more mainstream, implemented by some of the world’s most prominent organizations across different industries.
The Past Week in Crypto (Jan. 12th): Klay Thompson's BTC Salary and More

Michael Caloca / ONE37pm
1. Samsung enters the metaverse through collaboration with Decentraland
2. Klay Thompson and Andre Iguodala will take a part of their salary in Bitcoin
3. PayPal exploring the creation of its own stablecoin
4. Meek Mill asks fans to create Ethereum addresses in order to listen to his new album
5. Cash App integrates Lightning Network
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