From the very first opening moments of Hogwarts Legacy, you'll be introduced to an intriguing mystery that involves your fifth-year Hogwarts student and his/her rare ability to wield ancient magic. And just like the books/movies themselves, you'll witness your witch/wizard getting tugged in many different directions as they tend to their everyday studies, enjoy adventurous scenarios inside/outside of the school grounds, and get to the bottom of a dangerous mission that impacts the world of magic at large. As someone that's read every Harry Potter book, it felt great to act out my own narrative as a young magic user who's at the center of something monumental. I was genuinely absorbed by the plot being told during the entirety of Hogwarts Legacy - making important decisions regarding the use of severely dangerous magic, mingling with the Hogwarts student body, and discovering the totality of my importance between the warring factions were all captivating.
Now as your typical open-world game, Hogwarts Legacy implores you to dig through every nook & cranny of its world to find assorted collectibles. But shockingly, both of those activities never devolve into feeling like a chore due to the unique ways you can find and unlock things. Solving tricky door math equations, grabbing assorted flying pages around campus, and guiding moths to mysterious mirrors are just a sample of the myriad side activities you'll get addicted to during your stay at Hogwarts. Attending classes in order to actually acquire new skills/items attached to the game's main mechanics felt so on-brand. I found myself quick to pick up new side missions every time I saw one available since they always pointed me toward somewhere that was full of even more secrets to uncover. Using different spells to unearth various secrets points to why I had so much fun finding everything this game has to offer. Hogwarts Legacy's main campaign and optional objectives are equally alluring, which came as a nice surprise.