
The 20 Best War Games

Machine Games/DICE/Ubisoft Montpelier

War games have long been a popular genre in video games, as they allow players to experience strategic thinking and combat in immersive simulated environments. Series like Call of Duty and Battlefield have become staples that showcase the first-person shooter style of war games. With their cutting-edge graphics and online multiplayer modes, these franchises continue to attract new fans with each release.

However, war games encompass more than just the blockbuster FPS titles. In this list, we'll highlight some of the best from that AAA tier, while also highlighting some less mainstream war games across other genres. Whether you prefer real-time strategy, squad-based tactics, or historical simulations, there are compelling war games that capture warfare from unexpected angles. While Battlefield and Call of Duty deserve their place in the pantheon, the best war games will immerse you in the experience of war and not only show its thrilling adrenaline-fueled elements that translate well to video games but also their darkness and moral dilemmas as well. 

1. Valiant Hearts: The Great War

2. This War of Mine

3. Spec Ops: The Line

4. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (2019)

5. Company of Heroes 2

6. Battlefield 1

7. Medal of Honor: Allied Assault

8. Wolfenstein: The New Order

9. Call of Duty: WWII

10. Battlefield 4

11. Hell Let Loose

12. Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War

13. Rising Storm 2: Vietnam

14. Arma 3

15. War of Rights

16. Squad

17. Six Days in Fallujah

18. Starship Troopers: Extermination

19. Enlisted

20. World of Tanks

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