One of the longest-running and greatly appreciated anime/manga franchises of all time got its start in 1979. On April 7th of that year, Mobile Suit Gundam graced Japanese TV airwaves and eventually transformed into a global phenomenon. The "real robot" mecha anime genre came into existence because of that series. And in its wake, plenty of other anime/manga inspired by its influence came out of the floodgates. The world of Gundam has since expanded to produce high-quality models that true aficionados build and paint with their own two hands, a huge batch of spinoffs & mainline anime shows, and a whole heap of video games. We managed to dig through all those playable Gundam experiences to come upon the 10 best Gundam games that offer the experience of slashing and blasting all sorts of mechanized foes in an anime-inspired world.
Note - we'll only be covering the best Gundam games that got released in the US!