November belongs to Call of Duty, and with Call of Duty Vanguard scheduled to release on November 5th, more updates are gradually being announced. Today, COD is revealing a new collaboration that, for the first time, allowed actual war photojournalists inside the game to capture in-game war photographs as though they were embedded within the war missions themselves.
A Look At 'Call of Duty: Vanguard's' Real-Time Graphics

Vanguard’s incredible graphics and visual experience reflect the latest technological advancements coming when the new game launches next month, including its use of photogrammetry where locations, scenes and objects are recreated in-game to lifelike photoreal quality, all of which will be available to fans upon its release on the 5th.
We checked in with CMO of Activision Fernando Machado recently to discuss how this all came together.

ONE37pm: Thanks for speaking with us Fernando! The Call of Duty Vanguard graphics are next level. Actual war journalists were transported inside to capture in-game war photographs. What was that development process like?
Machado: We are constantly thinking about how we can learn more, and how we can make more unique features available in our games. Our mind is always on how we can make things look very realistic. We wanted Vanguard to be a very immersive experience and thought it would be boring if we tried to explain what was going on in writing.
These graphics are so realistic, and we knew the community would love actually seeing this experience in real-time. That’s where we came up with the idea to hire actual war photojournalists that could capture World War II. It tells the story of technology even if you aren’t into playing COD.
ONE37pm: What made you guys want to introduce this component, and what was the real-time experience of filming, documenting, game development, etc.
Machado: We developed this as a team together at our Motion Culture Studio in Los Angeles. I personally wasn’t there because I’m still in the process of moving to L.A., but all of our key team members were personally there. It was a total collaborative effort from our motion capture team all the way down to our marketing and agency development.
ONE37pm: Starting on October 21, limited edition photo prints will be sold at Bleecker Trading with proceeds going to the Call of Duty Endowment. How important is that?
Machado: We are proud of our work with the Call of Duty Endowment Fund. We’re the largest organization that places veterans in high-quality jobs. Next year we will hit the 100,000 milestone in terms of job placement, and it is something we are very passionate about building internally. Look for more to come!

It’s not often that you literally get to go inside of a video game, and Alex and Sebastian talked about waiting for the right moments to capture their shots the same way they would on the ground.
“These were situations that I would normally capture,” said Alex Potter in the film. “I was impressed with how kinetic and immersive it all was,” added Sebastiano Tomada Piccolomini. “As photographers, this is what conflict looks like.”
To help get veterans back to work, please visit:, or follow on Instagram and Facebook at @CallofDutyEndowment, and Twitter at @CODE4Vets.
Call of Duty: Vanguard is scheduled for release on November 5, 2021.